Everyone wants to be a princess!
So this weekend was THE weekend I got to dress up as Rapunzel again! My awesome friend had a Disney themed 30th birthday party so we all made a big effort with our outfits! I’ve been Rapunzel before but I wanted to do the flower plait hair this time. Everyone loved it and it was actually quite easy to do. If you fancy having a go yourself – read on!
What do you need?
- I used two and a half sets of clip in extensions but the half was for the plait detail so two is enough if that’s easier/cheaper!
- extra clips to go on the top clip in section, just so there’s more to hold on to your hair. I didn’t feel the usual 4-5 was enough.
- Bobbles and grips! Lots of grips! I used one normal bobble to secure the second set of clip ins to the top. Some clear thin bobbles to tie the small plaits at the end
- Artificial flowers/Paper flowers. I do have lots hanging around in my studio so I didn’t need to buy any in. You can get cheap daisies from eBay and the rest of the flowers were from cheap corner shops.
- I also used some fabric glue and florist wire to add the smaller flowers and wrap around the hair to secure or add on to a grip.
I have a box full of different blonde clip in extensions so I had a few to work with. I washed them up as these were older ones. I usually use a fabric conditioner to wash them as they aren’t human hair (also makes them smell amazing!)
I wasn’t sure how many I was going to use. I only ended up using two, it was already getting pretty heavy at that point anyway!
For the plaits I cut off a strip of hair with the clip on and plaited it. It was then clipped and sewn onto the top of the hair extensions. Only two were needed as I only used to sets of extensions.
Now it’s time to do the big plait!
I clipped the second set of extensions around the bottom and also secured it with a bobble. A daisy will conveniently be placed over the join so I didn’t need to worry about making it look nice and neat. I realised this after several attempts!
Originally, I was going to have it all plaited. But it got quite thin at the bottom and I looked at adding another set of extensions but it really added to the wait and I hadn’t even added the flowers yet! So I did choose comfort instead of costume correct-ness
Oh, and I also added LIGHTS! They were small micro LED lights with a small battery pack that only has two watch batteries inside. I made a little pouch under the hair to hold to battery pack and also so I could turn it on and off.
Next it was just time to add the flowers!

Feel free to get in touch with any questions or ideas!
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